
Friday 21 August 2009


It's amazing what surprises you find when cleaning up unfinished projects. The start of my "finishing kick" was finding 5 quilts in a drawer in the living room, where I had put them. I brought them downstairs some time ago so that I could do the handwork (binding, etc.) while watching TV.

When I found them earlier this month, I thought they had been there for a few months - maybe 6 at the outside. However, I pulled the last one out last night to start the binding. As it unfolded, out fell the label I had made when I finished quilting it. March 2008. Yes, 2008. These quilts have been sitting in my drawer for 18 months, not 6. I guess I need to make a new label - because I no longer belong to the quilt guild that it was going to be donated through, either.

On the bright side - I am now finished another quilt, and all 5 of the UFOs hiding in my drawer are now complete. I'll hang 3 of them this week, give the latest to the children's hospital, and the other is already in use by the kitties.

It doesn't show up well in this picture, but this is more of the cat fabric from my last quilt. I'm not very good at matching colours, and used the grey in a attempt to match some of the kittens. I wish I'd been more adventurous, and picked a colour that complemented the fabric, rather than tried to match it. For example, the background fabric (navy blue with gold stars) would, I think, have been a much more interesting choice for front of the quilt. Live and learn, and maybe gain some colour-sense as I go along.

There is one problem with working on unfinished quilts all week. Not a single stitch of stash fabric was used. Nothing was bought either, so at least it's a break-even week on that front. Check out Judy's blog for more stash reports from other quilters this week.

1 comment:

  1. Congratualations on getting so many quilts finished. Generally, if I can get my quilts quilted, the binding gets done immediately, so I'm not going to be finding any surprises.

    But I'm right there with you on the fabric usage.
