
Sunday 8 November 2009

One step forward ...

And two steps back.

I've been working this week on my Quilt-for-an-Hour project from Judy's blog.  That and the Christmas napkins in my previous post were all I managed this week, until yesterday.  But, that's one step forward.  I used 1 yard for the Christmas napkins, and 1.5 yards for the Quilt-for-an-Hour project.  I have a dilemma with that one.  I apparently miscalculated my yardage, and I am going to be a bit short of a couple of colours.  I"ll have to figure out how to take care of that once I see the rest of the instructions.  The 2 fabrics I'm short of were gifted to me, so I haven't been able to find more in town.

Yesterday, after I caught up on my quilt for an hour, I pulled out my tumbling block quilt and basted it.  And that means I used another 1.5 yaards for the backing.   Maybe this was a better week than I thought.  I hope to finish that quilt this weekend, so that I can start my 2 new projects.  

Yes, that's right.  I said 2 new projects.   AKA, 2 steps back. I spent a bit of time in a quilt shop on Monday, and came home with fabric for another quilty.  I'm not supposed to be buying fabric for those, but the frogs were too cute to resist.  The other fabrics in this pic are my purchases from last week.

So, this week's stash report - still on the positive side for usage for the year (since August, because that's when I started tracking).

Total for this year:
Used YTD: 45.25 yards
Added YTD: 36.5 yards
Net: 8.75 yards out this year

Check out Judy's blog to see stash reports from other quilters this week.


  1. Cute fabrics. But don't worry about taking 2 steps back. There comes a time after working diligently on UFOs or from the stash where a quilter just HAS to start something new. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  2. Those fabrics are adorable! They would have followed me home, too! You've been busy, and it shows in your totals! Good job!

  3. Gotta love those frogs! And how can you have any finishes if you don't start any?? And with positive numbers, feel good!! You've done well!

  4. Just think - if you start something new - sooner or later you will have big usage for all those backings!
