
Wednesday 27 January 2010

An Empty Frame

Look at this!!   The hoop is empty.  That means that I made progress on the Hawaiian quilt, and was finally able to take  it off the frame.  The waves of guilt it was sending out, coupled with a request by my son to join him in watching a movie, finally combined to get the quilting finished on this wall hanging.

Cari isn't quite sure what to make of this, however.  She and the other kitties loved jumping up on top of the quilt.

In addition to that, I have a finish for this week, as posted yesterday.  Morning Splash is now complete.

I'm definitely making progress on my quilt list - this accountability challenge is a big help.  Without the pressure of knowing I had to post something today, I probably would have continued to ignore that Hawaiian quilt.

Here's the UFO list:
- a Hawaiian wall-quilt that's been on my frame since 2005 (Just needs binding now)
- a picture quilt from my 2005 trip to Mexico
- a set of 3 wall quilts (need final embroidery and to be hung) (started in 2008)
- a stained glass dragon (started in 2009)
- tumbling blocks (started in 2009)
- reversible quilt (started in 2009)
- kaleidoscope quilt (started in 2009)
- bargello quilt (Sept 2009)
- Star mystery quilt (needs quilting binding) (Sept 2009)
- Morning Splash (needs quilting binding) (Nov 2009)

Pop over to Bari's blog to see what other quilters have been up to this week.


  1. EXCELLANT!!!!!!! I am very glad you finally listened to the Hawaiian wall hanging. It was tired of being tied up and on the floor!! Now it can breath and soon it's gonna be just hanging around!! great job!

  2. Woo hoo! I am SO excited to see that quilt off the frame!

    Isn't it amazing how this challenge, and having to post about it and tell everyone what you have (or haven't) done, helps get things done! Guilt is wonderful thing in certain circumstances...LOL. Glad this has helped you - it sure has me!

    Your Morning Splash is beautiful!


  3. Love the Morning Splash. The colors just pop and the border is fantastic!

  4. Congrats on progress on the Hawaiian quilt. I love the colors in the Morning Splash!

  5. Congratulation on getting the Hawaiian quilt quilted!

  6. I love the splash quilt. Movie time is great for hand work. Way to go!!! finishing the wall hanging.

  7. Wow! You're making fantastic progress! The cat doesn't look too happy that you've stolen its bed!
