
Saturday 16 January 2010

Quiltathon Progress

Despite my late start this morning, I've made excellent progress with Judy's Quiltathon.   Three quilts ready for final binding stages, and my banister is now clear of hanging treasures :)

I'm glad I picked quiltathon weekend to tackle these, the first one in particular.  I needed to finish the quilting on my Stars mystery quilt.  But this was not at all as easy as I had hoped, and I considered giving up a few times this morning.  First, I must admit that my feathers leave a lot to be desired.   Practice is required.  Then I broke four needles, trying to finish the feathers.  Not fun, especially when I didn't want to have to go shopping and give up a couple hours of quilting time.

And then I had what I thought was a great idea, to do some detail quilting in the middle of each star.  Lovely idea, but there were 23 stars, so that took a lot longer than I expected.   But I think it came out nicely (better than the feathers, anyway).

So why am I so happy I tackled this frustration today?  It was quiltathon day, so instead of tossing in the towel (quilt?) and plopping my butt down in front of the TV, I persevered and pushed through the frustrating parts.  Because I planned to quilt today, and I was going to quilt today, and I was going to finish that quilt before I started something else.

Now I'm going to take a break, find something for dinner, and do some hand-stitching on the bindings tonight.


  1. Good for you! I feel the same way. I started with the intention to practice bt thought I might be able to still hang my practice piece. Nope, not at all wall-worthy BUT was able to take what I learned and finish another wall hanging which is what I really cared about. :D This quilt weekend is great!

  2. Way to go and congrats to conquering 3 quilts! Enjoy your break - I will, too and am off to the gym.

  3. Give yourself a huge hug for me!!! I love that!!! You stuck with it and you did yourself proud!! What a way to start the quiltathon weekend - successful quilting, even through the tough spots!!! Excellant!!
