
Monday 8 February 2010

Design Wall Monday - Feb 8

My design wall doesn't have a lot going on this week.   Top left is a block for this month's Block Lotto.  Liberated quilting is the theme for the year, and this month was liberated endearments.   Just one block from me this time, but it's on my wall so that I don't lose it before the winner is drawn.

Under that are the celtic quilts you saw last week - still waiting for a plan, although I do have a thought for the blue one.  And on the right are my block lotto blocks from January.  I was one of the 6 winners!  So my blocks are hanging out, waiting for friends and inspiration.

Check out Judy's blog to see what other quilters have on their design walls this week.


  1. Those are interesting blocks, Krista. I don't know much about liberated quilting, but I definitely need to check it out -- looks like fun! :) Take care, Dianne B. in England

  2. Your lotto blocks sure look like fun! Can't wait to see the rest of them from January.

    What are you thinking for the blue celtic block? Inquiring minds want to know!


  3. very interesting wall...can't wait to see what happens when inspiration strikes!

  4. those blocks look like fun to do.


  5. Look forward to more of your liberated quilting! I'd like to give this a try sometime...when I get some of my UFO projects finished!

  6. Hey, here's an idea for the blocks on the right - make the shape of the overall quilt an oval (can you say "Oh"), fill the inside with a large tic-tac-toe grid, put an "X" in the middle square and your blocks all around.

    I'm sure whatever you do with it will be amazing.
