
Wednesday 13 April 2011

Teases and Pinwheels

Some people complained that I was teasing you a bit with my design wall Monday post the other day.  And to that I have to say - you're right.  This quilt, and a couple of others I'm working on, are not yet available for viewing.  I am hoping to publish them, so until that is closed one way or the other, the quilts must remain in seclusion.

I promise to dig out a couple of 'free-range' projects in the near future, so that you can see that I do indeed produce more than just single blocks.  I can hear you now - 'Promises, promises.'  But I do hope you will stick with me long enough to see what's up (heck, if you're still around after my year-long absence that's probably a safe bet :)

To gain some level of continuity, and prove that my sewing machine wasn't completely silent during that year, here is the result of my designing on the fly post from March.  Once my guest goes home in May, I will be quilting some of the tops I created last year, and hopefully starting a couple of new projects too.

Looking at this picture, I see now that the middle pinwheel is a mirror image of all the others.  Sigh.  How did I miss that?  I suppose I have 2 choices - undo all the stiching to free up that block and fix it.  Or call it intentional, since it is conveniently the center pinwheel that's different - symmetry still exists.

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