
Friday 1 April 2011

Spring has sprung!

Time to shake off the dust, oil the machines, and break out the rotary cutter.   It's been a long winter, and I'm ready for spring. It seems that spring might finally be here, as the temperatures are supposed to be above zero all week.  That, and the fact that the skunks have once again started feasting in my front yard are the best indications that winter is done for another year.

In honour of the arrival of spring, I have embarked on spring cleaning in my sewing room.  Well, the imminent arrival of a visitor helped that decision along :)  Somehow my sewing room became a complete disaster area, with several unfinished projects lying around and fabric from not-yet-started ones piled on most surfaces.  First step - find the cutting table.  This way, I can do some quilting in between cleaning bouts.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back. Hope things are going well and you'll post more often. Patty E
