
Saturday 21 May 2011

Spring Garden

It has been a beautiful day here, to kick off the Victoria Day long weekend.  Traditionally, this is the weekend to start gardening, and Mother Nature is certainly cooperating this year.  It rained all week, but today is bright and sunny and warm.  I did some weeding (weeds pull out really easily, when the ground has been saturated by a week of rain), and inspected all my trees and bushes.

I am so happy!  I planted a Japanese Lilac 4 summers ago, and it has never bloomed for me.  It always looks healthy, with lots of green leaves, but it has never flowered.  I read last year that they are sensitive and thought maybe the planting had been hard on it.  But it's in a sheltered yard, and when it didn't bloom last year I was losing hope.  But it has buds this year!  I can't wait to see it in full bloom.

I have a couple of other lilacs around the house.  They are one of my favourite plans, so this year when I wanted something to camouflage my new rain barrel, I planted this lilac.  It is supposed to bloom twice a year.  Hopefully it lives up to expectations.

I do believe it really is spring finally.  In fact, we are moving quickly into summer.  All of my daffodils are done, tulips are ending, and my irises are blooming today.  See the tulip leaning over to get its head in the picture?  :)

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