
Wednesday 15 June 2011

Accountability Challenge - June 15

It's Wednesday once again.  No quilting time Monday (hockey) or Tuesday (dancing) this week, so I didn't quite get through my whole list. But I did make some good progress.

Here are the goals I set for this week.

1. finish binding Field of Stars - Done
2. bind the unnamed quilt (and name it) - Done
3. work on indigo top - top is done
4. quilt UFO #9 (aka my June UFO challenge quilt) - not done, but backing is ready

Three out of four isn't too bad. This week is not likely to be a quilty week.  I have house projects to get done, so I don't expect to get much quilting time (must as I want to).  Work before play, so I have to run some cables and paint my walls.  This time around I think I'm going to set my goals for the end of the month, rather than for this week.  There are two quilts that I want to finish before the end of June, because they are for challenges, so that is my goal for the rest of the month.

1. quilt UFO #9 (my June UFO challenge quilt)
2. quilt the indigo quilt (my monochromatic challenge quilt)

Check out Bari's blog to see what other quilters have been up to this week.


  1. Three out of four is great! I'm like you -- I have several things I'm shooting for having done at the end of the month. Baby steps . . .

  2. Krista,

    It is looking great! Three out of four is wonderful! I think the "end of the month" goal is wonderful. As Shelly said, a little at a time.
