
Wednesday 22 June 2011

Accountability Challenge - June 22

Wednesday already.  Time flies, and I didn't do nearly as much quilting as I had planned.  Yesterday was my birthday, and my present to myself was supposed to be an easy day at work and lots of time quilting in the evening.  Instead, I got a stressful day, which translated to zero quilting in the evening.  Too bad, but in the end, the stress is going to turn into something good, so there's an up side.

In the meantime, I did do a bit of quilting over the weekend.  My accountability goals for this week were modest - only 2 items
1. quilt UFO #9 (my June UFO challenge quilt)
2. quilt the indigo quilt (my monochromatic challenge quilt)

And my achievements even more modest.  I finsihed quilting the UFO.  But it's not bound yet (although binding is attached - just have to tack it down).  No picture of that one yet, but here's a photo from back when I was piecing the top.

And I did purchase the backing and batting for the indigo quilt.  So I guess that's a step in the right direction there.  I really want to finish that for the June Monochromatic challenge, so that's #1 on this week's list.  Hopefully I can do that on Saturday.  Two other items should round out my plans for the week.

1. quilt the indigo quilt
2. bind UFO #9
3. finish the linked squares top

Did you have goals this week?  Hope over to Bari's blog to see what others were up to.


  1. You actually did get quite a bit done! Just getting the backing and batting for a top is a major accomplishment for me! LOL. I am with you on the binding. Easy to get it sewn on, then it takes me a while to finish it up.

    Good job!


  2. I think you did a lot even if you do not think so. At least you have something to show.

