
Wednesday 8 June 2011

Accountability Challenge - June 8

Last week, I set myself these goals. Not too optimistic, I thought.  Well, maybe not, but despite that I didn't get through all of it.  I made some good progress though.

1. bind the unnamed quilt (and name it)  - didn't touch it
2. finish quilting Over the Rainbow - done!
3. finish mystery top - done (ready for quilting)
4. Pick one more UFO to move forward.- picked it, but didn't actually do any work on it :)

However, I did make a lot of progress on my indigo quilt.  I'm having a lot of fun with this one, and I think it will get some more attention this week.  Forgot to upload pics from my camera last night, so I'll post my Rainbow finish later.

Here are my (again, more modest) goals for this week.

1. finish binding Field of Stars
2. bind the unnamed quilt (and name it)
3. work on indigo top
4. quilt UFO #9 (aka my June UFO challenge quilt)

I think #4 is a stretch, but once I finish the indigo top, I'm going to setup for quilting and try to get a couple done before I start another quilt.  I should be able to finish binding on the 2 quilts during the hockey game tonight.  Friday night at the latest.

Check out Bari's blog to see how other quilters did with their accountability challenge this week.


  1. Sometimes I think naming the quilts is the hardest part.. If you finish all your binding I can send you mine, LOL


  2. It is so hard to really concentrate on quilting at this time of year, LOL! Way too much other stuff to do, but you did get quite a bit done. I have trouble naming quilts also. Most I give away I don't ever name, just put the recipient's name on the label along with a verse of scripture and the date.

    I think you will do very well on your "modest" goals for the week! Good luck!

