
Saturday 11 June 2011

Bordering on insanity

I don't usually do pieced borders, for one reason.  My 1/4" seam is never exactly 1/4".  I've tried, but I just can't seem to find and keep that 1/4" line - it's always plus or minus a thread or two.  I've learned to cope - I square up every block before I move on to the next step, and for the most part that resolves the problem.  But pieced borders really need that type of accuracy.

However, my indigo quilt was crying out for pieced borders.  It needs them. So I decided to give it a whirl.  I figured I'd make the pieced section, and then calculate the fill strips to fit.  That should work.

Here are the 4 border pieces.  Just the corner stones left to make.  Only one problem with this - the strip second from the bottom is a full 1/2" longer than the other 3 (which are amazingly within 1/8" of each other).  I guess I have some re-stitching to do on one of these.

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