
Monday 8 August 2011

Looking for my Mojo

My design wall looks the same as last week, except the checkerboards are gone, having been mailed to the winners last week.  I've had a really hard time getting myself motivated to get into my sewing room this week.  I don't know if it's because I'm struggling with the current project, or something else.  The blue quilt is nice, and is coming out just like I hoped.  But it is very detailed, with lots of points to match.  Very different from the last few quilts I've done.

The pink quilt went together really easily, with nested seams and straight joins.  No points to worry about.  The dragon was a whole other beast.  What else have I done recently?  Seems to me they've all had nice squares and rectangles, and I've been avoiding triangles and the points that come along with them.

What do you do when you lose your mojo?  I'm thinking I need to start a new project, to work alongside the blue and give me a break once in a while.  Trouble is, the quilt that's been on my mind for months, which I want to start next, is going to be circles.  Not something I've ever done before, and probably not a nice relaxing change from the points in the blue.  So I'm a bit nervous about starting that one.  Maybe I need to spend some quality time with Electric Quilt and see if I can come up with something interesting, but simple.


  1. When I loose my sewing zip, I do one of two things...I either start sewing 15 minutes everyday to get over the hump the project is stuck on or I just start cleaning house...after a dose of house cleaning I can find any quilting project, even one I am ready to set aside, appealing. I hate house cleaning.

  2. I do what Jo does - I promise myself that I'll work 20 min on a bugger project everyday - if I feel like quiting I do - but sometimes I stay! Also - I start a book on cd that is really - really good - the rule is though - that I'm only allowed to listen if I'm working on the offending project. Finally - when all else fails - I call my bqf (best quilter friends) to cheerlead me through - maybe they'll come sew with me - or just remind me why I need to get the project done!

  3. I tidy up my sewing room and always come across something I'd like to work on or a magazine that I had flagged with a project to start cutting.

  4. Maybe you need to cut back on the complicated blue stars ie do one a day as you do your other sewing. That way you'll still get the blocks done but you won't be stressing over them. And, pick an easier pattern to work on along with them. They look fabulous... as does the wonky blocks to the right.

  5. I've had lost Mojo quite a bit this year and like you, don't really know what happened to it. I like to do the timer too. 20 minutes on one project, get up and do 20 minutes of something else-like housework or laundry. I like to do an instant gratification project...potholders, book bags, something that can be done in one sitting.
    Good luck!

  6. I do a few things - sometimes it means that my space is just too cluttered with stuff and I need to sort/clean/organize. When I do that my head seems to clear. Or, I take a break and get out - take a walk, visit a museum, just get some space to clear the clutter out of my head. Good luck!

  7. OMG, Jo's post is so funny! I agree, focusing on something else helps. Hope you find what works for you :)

  8. The Blue stars are fiddly. do something mindless like going through a new quilt magazine or just cutting up some up the sewing room might just be a help to getting the MOJO back!

  9. I usually just stay away from the studio and read, with a little cleaning thrown in. I think I need to take a break every once in a while and then the projects start calling me and I'm back.
