
Monday 29 August 2011

Monday already!

I can't believe I missed both Stash Report Sunday and Design Wall Monday this week.  I'd like to blame Hurricane Irene, but that was a non-event here. Although we did get a beautiful sunset out of the deal.  Lots of wind, no rain around here.  I hope those of you in the path are safe and starting to dry out.

My design wall looks the same as last week.  I have made some progress on the quilting of my Fibonnaci spiral, but that's about it.  I'm afraid that my UFO for the month is going to be late.  Might get done this week, as I have a few days of vacation coming . If I can get motivated in between picking up schedules and paying school fees for my kids, I may get it done this week.

I'll hold off until next week to report stash - there is some to note, as I have the backings for 2 quilts done.

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