
Monday 3 October 2011

Design Wall - Oct 3

Three guesses what's on my design wall.  And if you've been reading my blog, you probably don't need the first two :)  The star is still there.  I spent a lot of time this week finishing my tic-tac-toe quilts, so the design wall didn't see much activity for most of the week. But I completed quilting the second quilt yesterday, and managed to spend several hours working on the star.  As my back can attest, it's a lot of work sewing those itty bitty pieces together.

I don't think there's actually a lot of difference that you can see in this picture, over last week.  But trust me when I say I did a lot of work today.  I've started adding the background pieces now, and I'm working my way out to a point where I have nice orderly (large) squares to work with for the final assembly.  You can see some of the background squares in the lower section, because the design wall there is brown rather than white.

I have one more quilt basted and ready to go, but I haven't decided how I want to quilt it yet, so the star will get some concentrated attention this week, while options for quilting my indigo quilt stew in my mind.

Check out Judy's blog to see what other quilters have on their design walls today.


  1. Oolala. The star is looking great.

  2. I love the colorwash style. Good luck finishing this up. I prefer to use a gridded interfacing to sew it together once I've got it all laid out. This is going to be beautiful!!

  3. It's looking good. I can see the work you did. SO much fun to see it develop from week to week.

  4. Wow! That is going to be very impressive when you get it finished. Love it!

  5. Looking good! I can tell there has been progress. You are so patient!
