
Monday 21 November 2011

Design Wall Monday - Nov 21

My design wall has changed  bit since last week, but not too noticeably.  I put together some more of the black/white/red quilt.  The biggest qustion here is whether I will be able to finish this by the end of the month.  I have plans next weekend, so if it's going to happen, I'll need to get busy this week.

Of course, competing for my time are 2 mysteries.  #1 - Bonnie's Orca Bay mystery.  I thought this would be a nice break from the black and white.  On the lower left of my design wall you can see a few of the blocks from step 1.  224 black and white quarter-square triangles.  Sigh - more black and white.  There are such pretty colours in this quilt - I hope we get to play with them in step 2 on Friday. 

I am almost half-way there on step one - 100 done, 124 to go.  All the fabric is cut, just waiting for me to have the patience to sit down and do it.

Mystery #2 is the Monday Mystery from Little Bits of This and That.  I've pondered this for 3 weeks now, but finally took the plunge and cut 20 5" charms tonight.  Of course, the first step is quarter square triangles.  At least it's not black and white, but can't someone give me a break?  :)

Check out Judy's blog for more design walls today.  And don't forget to pop over to Bonnie's blog for more info on Orca Bay.


  1. Your projects all look wonderful, and your little hour glasses look so perfect. Black and white is so dramatic in a good way, lol.

  2. That's a lot of black and white. Looking great so far. Those little pops of red really make the quilt sparkle.

  3. That is a hoot! Enjoy your black and white QST stint!

  4. I'm looking at some of the links posted on Bonnie's page and it's fun to see what others are doing and how they are progressing. You've done a great job so far :)

  5. I laughed out loud when I read "can't someone give me a break?"

    I am starting on Bonnies trianges now that I have a 'new to me ruler!!' - and I have been printing off the Mondy Mystery at Little Bits of This & That - so I know what you mean!! (I have not started that mystery yet either, should get on it!! This weekend, I will get it started too!!!)

    Thanks for the humor!!! I needed it today!! So we are both crazy then - good to know!!! Half Square Triangles, here I come.......

  6. You really are on a b/w roll! Great progress on the Orca Bay.
