
Tuesday 1 November 2011

UFO Challenge update

October's UFO Challenge was #5.   For me, that meant my Christmas napkins.  I really liked this design when I started, a year ago.  But after a few, it became a bit tedious and the rest of the napkins were filed away for "later" work.  Without Judy, I think they'd still be waiting for "later" to arrive.  But here we are - 6 more napkins finished. All they had needed was the top-stitching around the edge, so not a lot of work. So why did I leave them until the very last minute?  I finished these around 10pm last night, but they are done! And now I have one more UFO off my list for this year.

Next up, November's UFO.  Judy is being really nice to me.  2 UFOs left, and she did not pick the one I am dreading. Next up is #3 - my feathered star.  The poor little block has been sitting in my UFO drawer for years, ever since I made it as a practice block for a guild challenge one summer.  But now, its time has come.  Sometime over the next month I will pull this out and put some borders on it.  It is destined to be a quiltie, so doesn't need a lot to stretch from its current 12" size.

Here's a picture of the feathered star, with the fabric I bought 2 years ago to finish it.  It looks pretty much the same today, except I used most of that fabric in other projects.  This might require some stash growth, but I'm hoping to find most of what I need in the fabric I bought recently.


  1. Isn't it great how this deadline forces us to finish something?!? Now you will be able to enjoy these lovely napkins at Christmas!

  2. What great timing on those Christmas napkins! Bet you're glad you got them finished. :o) Love your November project, too. That is going to be a beauty! Good luck!

  3. The feathered star looks great! I look forward to seeing what you make of it!

  4. How nice to have the Christmas napkins finished in time for Christmas (or Christmas giving--either way). They are cute napkins! It is funny how much we put off things that don't take all that long when we actually do them. Have fun with your feathered star--I have one of those somewhere in a cupboard waiting to be finished too!

  5. Love those Christmas tree napkins, I have the pattern and should make them up this year. I thought I would just serge around the edges. our fabric choices for them are cute. Bernie

  6. I love those kind of napkins - did you start with a full circle or half circle as I have seen both ways? Great finish. I made one feathered star - intended to make three for a runner - but one block make a wonderful wall quilt - I would never have made three. LoL Judy C
