
Monday 12 December 2011

Design Wall Monday - Dec 12

My design wall is pretty empty today,  I cleaned yesterday in preparation for Christmas visitors, and removing all the loose blocks from the wall was one of the steps.  Eariler yesterday it looked like this

Orca Bay is moving along.  I didn't get as much done as I had hoped this weekend.  22 more blocks still needed for step 1, and hundreds for steps 3 and 4.  But I have done a little of each step as it came out - these are 10 of the 22 blocks I have now finished for Step 4.

Rather than sewing yesterday, I cleaned.  The room is almost at a point where I can make the bed, which seems to be a requirement for having a visitor for the next 5 weeks :)  So I'll finish the cleaning tonight, but hopefully keep a little corner for some sewing - I do want to keep up with the new Orca Bay steps as they come out - at least one or two blocks each week.

Check out Judy's blog to see more Design Walls.  And hop over to Bonnie's for more Orca Bay progress this week.


  1. ARGH cleaning? UGH -- would you like to come over to my place and help with the clean up? Good work on getting a little done on each step of
    Orca Bay.

  2. I also spent yesterday cleaning up my quilt room. Everything that doesn't have a home somewhere ends up in the middle of my quilt room floor. Can't wait to see the final on Orca Bay.

    glen in Louisian

  3. At least you are cleaned up! Mine house is going to be an even bigger mess before the clean up starts! But, my new flooring will be worth it, I hope!

  4. you've got a good plan there with Orca bay- enjoy your visitors.

  5. My favorite colors on this!! I spent most of yesterday cleaning also but it was the quilt room so didn't feel so much like work.

  6. Tis that time of year for cleaning right. Everyone says Spring cleaning, but I really think the Holidays is when all the deep cleaning gets done! Love your string blocks. I agree, doing some of each step will keep you going. Looks great so far.

  7. yup, cleaning time..... and the sewing will be keeping us sane while we 'have' to do other things!! I am doing the Orca mystery one step at a time.... this way I won't get lost in it!!!
    Have fun with your guests!!

  8. Your strippy triangles are pretty! It is a fun project to do in bits and pieces - that's the way I'm doing it too. Otherwise the numbers are a little overwhelming for me. Wow, 5 weeks of visitors is a lot! Best of luck with the cleaning and house guests. Hope you can sneak in a bit of sewing here and there.

  9. Beautiful colors, there certainly is a lot of work in this Mystery, but I know it will be well worth it.
