
Monday 19 December 2011

Design Wall Monday - Dec 19

There isn't much on my design wall this week. In fact, the wall is empty.  On my ironing board, I have a few more blocks for step 3 of Orca Bay.  This makes 140 done, 210 left to go.  Step 5 builds on step 3, so I guess this should have been the one I finished earlier. I'll keep plugging away, and hopefully a bit later this week I'll get some of step 5 done, before Friday's clue.  Bonnie says we get to start assembling units on Friday, and I can't wait!

Check out Judy's blog to see what others have on their design walls.  And the Monday linkup for Orca Bay has lots more progress there.


  1. I've enjoyed watching the nuts and bolts of this mystery quilt from so many different bloggers! Enjoy! :)

  2. I'm a bit behind as well. My red strips in part 4 are taking quite a while to do. Don't worry, we will catch up!

  3. Yea for your progress. You don't need to rush through this. Last time I did one of her mysteries I did some and then put it all away -- I was frustrated cause things weren't fitting well. Next time I pulled it out everything was working fine. Go figure. I admire those who can do the clues quickly but it isn't me. Your black and white looks like an orca!

  4. I have just been collecting the clues so far but I am excited about how it is looking so far. Yours looks great!

  5. The best part of this is there really aren't any dealines! There will be more time to work on them after the holidays!
    Quilting by the River

  6. I plugging away on it too...Friday should be fun!
