
Saturday 31 December 2011

Orca Bay Eve

Happy New Year's Eve!  And, apparently it's also the Eve of Orca Bay.  Step7 of Orca Bay came out yesterday.  And the final step is coming out TOMORROW! just in time for New Year's.  So, I thought I should get a bit of work done today, to ensure that I'm not totally behind when the assembly instructions arrive in the morning.

This is what I did today.  First a few wing triangles from step 5 (finally).  I only did about 10 of these, but I have lots more pieces cut and they have been going together pretty quickly.  However, I am still working on the 1/2 square triangles that form the basis of these (54 more to go).  I had to buy some more blacks to finish these pieces, but I'm back in motion now.

From there, I attached the wings to 2 of my purple string triangles.  Just two - but it's a start and I can officially say I started on step 7 now :)

I can't wait to see the final step tomorrow - although I suspect it will be a couple of months before I actually finish all the remaining pieces for this quilt. But I'm not complaining ('cause Bonnie says we can't :)


  1. Everyone is choosing such interesting color-ways for this quilt ... and you all seem to be keeping up, too (I don't think I could). Your blocks look great.

  2. I love what you've done. I skipped step 4, I will do the strings later, and am working on step 5, which I should still be working on in 2013!! Kidding!! but I got half done last night, then went to bed!!
    your blks look really good~!!! And I am looking forward to the big reveal tomorrow!!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours and I will 'see' you in the new year!!
