
Monday 2 January 2012

Design Wall Monday - Jan 2, 2012

My design "bed" contains some of the parts from the Orca Bay mystery.  Bonnie revealed the final part yesterday, and I have a few of each piece done.  This is a (very small) sample of what the quilt is going to look like - when I eventually finish all the piecing that is required.

I discovered that my 2" half-square triangles are a bit too big, which throws off the wing triangles.  So I'm having to cut down all 354 of those in order to put this quilt together.  Slow and steady, I guess.  I'll keep plugging away at this one as time permits.

Check out Judy's blog for more design walls today.  And Bonnie has a link-up for all the Orca Bay progress.


  1. love the pop of yellow/reds in your string blocks

  2. The yellows really catch your eye and are a great addition to the blocks! I don't envy you trimming down all those 2" blocks, good luck!

  3. Too-large is easier to rectify than too-small! (Ask me how I know. :)) Your color combination is great.

  4. The yellow is like little rays of sunshine popping through.

  5. Your colors are really fun! It's so exciting to see these mystery quilts come together.

  6. I am not even close to the "putting it all together" stage yet, and I do not want to have to 'fix' things at the end!!! I want to have this project at the finish line ASAP!!
    I am enjoying it though and seeing what others have done is fun!!
    So, take a deep breath and don't cut anymore, just make 'em all fit together!! A little tugging, some pulling and it should work!!! lol!! kidding!!!

    Have a great January and welcome to the new year!!

  7. I have printed all the orca bay directions but haven't started yet. My favorite color is purple so I am leaning towards that in some way. I have been waiting to look at others' color combos. I really like yours!

  8. Looking very good.... keep at it!
