
Tuesday 31 January 2012

January UFO

My January UFO quilt is complete - with 2.5 hours to spare :)  My sore finger made this a bit of a challenge, but I was determined to have this UFO off the list on time this month.

I designed this quilt in the fall, with the goal of using up the pink and flower fabrics that I had in my stash.  The goal was almost successful, between this quilt and an earlier one - which I finished but apparently never photographed.  I have a few blocks left over, so I'll try to put them together into a final quiltie.

The backing of this quilt was a sale fabric at one of the inventory sales before Christmas.  The sales lady at the quilt shop thanked me for taking the rest of the bolt on this one,  She wanted it OUT of the store :)  I thought I'd have plenty, and some left over, but it turned out to be exactly the size I needed, with nothing to spare.  So, not only out of the store, but out of my stash too,


  1. Well it's a good thing you bought that piece of fabric then!! Made the store happy and it looks great as the backing!! Win/Win!!! And that a great thing!!!

  2. Congratulations of completing on time. Great choice of colours.

  3. was meant to be...perfect ending! Way to go!

  4. That back goes great with your top! Congrats!

  5. OTL is a really under rated term - but I am with you, off the list is wonderful. Lovely quilt. Judy C
