
Friday 17 February 2012

Day 2 - Field Trip!

Day 2 at the Patchwork Times retreat.  I opened the room again, heading up at 6:30 to start work on my projects.  Cheryl wasn't too far behind me, and most of the crowd was well into their projects before 9.  Judy took us on a field trip today, out to see her sewing room and to a local quilt shop.  I think we all left her sewing room a little more jealous of the wonderful (and large) space she has out there.  At the quilt shop, most of us picked up a "little something".  I found 2 fabrics on the sale shelf, which looked wonderful together.  I told them they could come home with me, as long as they found a couple of friends :)  Fabric is so much less expensive here!  I almost wish I'd bought more.

I made lots of progress on Orca Bay, but at this point I moved it back to a leader/ender project.  All those little bitty bits really take a toll on my stamina.  I have decided that I'm going to make this quilt 5x7 blocks. So far, it's 4x4, so I need another 19 star blocks (which are made) and about 30 purple strings (which are not).  That may be part of tomorrow's plan.

Next up, Sherri's Monday Mystery.  Seven steps are now complete.  I am liking this quilt very much, so far.  But I won't get to do any more work on it at this retreat, since the next clue won't be out until Monday.

So that is now 3 for 3.  Three projects worked on at the retreat, and not a single one completed.  I think I'm on a roll :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved "helping" you with OB. I also appreciate your help on mine! Thanks so much for your contribution of string bits and QSTs for my rainbow OB! I appreciate them.
