
Monday 6 February 2012

Design Wall Monday - Feb 6

 I made 2 quarter blocks for Dancing with the Stars yesterday.  They looked wonderful, and I was happy to be off to a good start on the block the month quilt.  It's really too bad that this is not what the blocks were actually supposed to look like :(

A couple of seams undone, and voila - the correct placement of red and blue.  This is 1/2 a block, and I need 3 blocks this month for the "block the of the month". So I have a bit more work to do on this.  Looking at the instructions, it's not so much a block of the month, as a block of the week (2-3 blocks every month).
So, this is what's on my design wall today.  A little bit of Dancing with the Stars on the right, plus my current progress on the Blogger's block of the month.  January is done (second row left). And I redid December's block, to have more background fabric. It really changes the look, but I wasn't happy with what I had before.

Check out Judy's blog for more design walls.


  1. Your dancing with the stars blocks look great! Love the black background for the bloggers block of the month

  2. Your "Dancing with the Stars" blocks look terrific -- as do your Blogger's BOM blocks; this will be a fun piece! :)

  3. Your Dancing with the stars blocks are neat and I agree with you that your first block is a great design. Sometimes blocks done wrong can start a whole new quilt!

  4. At first if we don't succeed...let's do over! Dancing with the Stars is off to a rocky start, but that's the way that program works right? Just like the'll get better and better.
