
Monday 26 March 2012

Design Wall Monday - March 26

Once again, it's time for Judy's design wall Monday.  After a weekend of sewing, here is what's on my design wall today.  Not a lot of activity here, but Block 7 of the Blogger's Block of the Month is complete.  Plus, the last block for March in Dancing with the Stars is hanging out.

However, the weekend did produce some excellent results.  First, my March UFO is now complete.  Fully quilted, and bound and backed in orange.  I also included 2 spare blocks in the backing.

And, my Indigo quilt, from last June's monochromatic challenge is also complete.  I'm going to call this February's UFO, since it's on my list to complete and I never did get to Feb's quilt.  I'll swap the numbers, and when this number comes up, I'll pull out the Feb quilt.

When the light is better, I'll take some pictures of the quilting on both of these.  I'm really happy with the end results.  And I still have 3 Star Trek movies left to watch - I'll have to pick another UFO to work on while I watch those :)


  1. The colors in your UFO kaleidoscope are very pretty. Is that a striped fabric? What a great idea. I love stack n whack and never thought of using a stripe. Great job on your UFO finishes!

  2. Wow, what beautiful project. Love the March UFO, but that indigo quilt is just stunning. Can't wait to see a closer pic of the quilting, just gorgeous.

  3. The March UFO is fabulous. I love the color and the design. I have also never used a stripe for a SNW. I need to try that.
