
Tuesday 6 March 2012

March UFO

Today I'm linking up over at Freshly Pieced for Work in Progress Wednesday, for the first time.

I pulled out my March UFO yesterday.  Judy picked #8 on the UFO list, which is my stack-and-whack quilt.  I started this one a couple of years ago, planning to make some spiderweb blocks with some striped fabric that I had in my stash.  I got to this stage, and then it went onto a shelf. It's been resting there ever since.

So, yesterday, in an attempt to finish some projects rather than starting on a new one (my March colour challenge or another quilt I just designed), I decided to have a look.  I already knew that the original plan for this quilt - which was purple around the webs - would not work. First, it was too dark. And second (and more importantly), I used the purple fabric in a different quilt a few months ago. That's what happens when I leave projects half done.

As of tonight, this is what I have complete.  3 more blocks to go.  I think I'll set them like this, although I may audition some sashing before I make a final decision. What do you think?


  1. I think white might be to much - how 'bout a darker goldish colour, deeper than the one now surrounding the blocks?? It might make it look richer then the choppy look white might give it?? hmmm....

  2. At first I thought the blocks were all the same. Then I could see the subtle variations. Going to be a great quilt!

  3. Very cool. I'd go sashing for sure as it will tie the composition together, but really, until you start throwing it up on the design wall, you can't know. Maybe you'll like it and maybe just having the golden oranges flow together will be the answer. I love that you're getting some old projects finished up--bravo!

    Elizabeth E.

  4. Congratulations on attacking a UFO. I've been on the same path lately, and it can be both frustrating and rewarding. Good luck with your endeavors!
