
Monday 12 March 2012

Pieced borders are ...

... kicking my butt!  On Saturday, I had my own little sew-in, and got all the blocks for the center of my March colour palette challenge top done.  In one day!  So on Sunday, I figured I could whip off the borders, and be done with this top in no time at all.  Hah!  I spent half the morning and all afternoon fighting with this.  I know the theory.  I know math.  I know what I have to do.  But for some reason, I could not get the math to play nice with these borders.

I calculated them 4 times, and got a different answer every time.  Finally I put some together. And none of the borders were long enough.  I'd used one of my intermediate (and incorrect) calculations for the lengths :(  So I unstitched, and added a couple of segments to most of the border strips (8 strips, and only 2 were correct - the last 2 I made).

Now I think I have all the sizes working for me.  But notice I have not yet had the nerve to cut into the 2 transition borders that come before the pieced one. I think I'll measure everything 2 more times, and sew the blocks together and measure a third, before I cut any more strips :)

This is all that's on my design wall today.  The votes yesterday were heavily in favour of this layout, so I've gone back to it, and I think this is going to be the one.

I had planned to do the next bock of Dancing with the Stars this weekend, but after fighting with these borders I didn't think paper piecing was likely to go well.  The happy news is that I rearranged my sewing room, so now I have easy access to the full length of my design wall.  See that box beside the design wall?  That's a new blind I bought last summer to replace the horrid drapes in this room.  Maybe I'll get that installed one day soon.

Check out Judy's blog for more design walls.


  1. Yes I find myself in the measure 12 times cut once or twice crowd from time to time. I like your idea to sew and remeasure. Makes things more certain!

  2. I have only done pieced borders once and it came out great the first time. I figured that was a fluke and never tried it again. ;-) Your color challenge quilt is really looking great.

  3. I love a pieced border. The quilt is stunning and the border looks great.

  4. It's no fun having to measure a million times for these pieced borders. I try to preplan sizes but I don't always get it right either. Good luck.

  5. Goodness!! That pieced border is gorgeous. It will work this time ;-)

  6. Isn't that so weird that sometimes a border goes together perfectly and then sometimes it will fight you every step of the way??!? And you are doing the exact same thing as you always do but it just won't co-operate??? That drives me crazy! Good for you for sticking with it!

  7. Krista, did you get my new book? Did you try the chart in there? It should have made it real easy!! I think your border is fantastic and I like the whole quilt!

    1. I love your book, Judy! This design is inspired by one of your borders. But I wasn't smart enough to sit down with your chart - I thought I could figure it out myself. I'll know better next time :)

  8. Love that layout.... I must admit, that I refuse to do pieced borders because they are such a royal pain. Looking great

  9. I like the pattern you chose to show off this month's challenge colors. Good job!
