
Monday 16 April 2012

Design Wall Monday - April 16

I suddenly realized that it's the middle of April, and I hadn't started on my April colour challenge yet.  So, bypassing Orca Bay, which is waiting so patiently on my design wall, I cut into my April fabrics.  After a day of sewing, here is what I have.  One more black round will complete that block on the left.

To refresh your memory, here's the colour palette for this month.  Interesting. The photo against my colours in person look almost perfect.  But it sure doesn't look like it matches in this photo.  Oh well.  That's what I get for not taking a picture of my fabric earlier.  In any case, I like the way the colours look in my quilt, and it doesn't remind me of moldy pie at all.

In other activity, Pink Posies is quilted, and the binding is attached to the front.  Just need to remove some of my tracing paper, hide the threads, and stitch down the binding.  After a lot of struggle, I found a method for making a stencil (overhead transparencies cut with an exacto knife), and transfered the design with a pounce.  Not perfect - I did some guessing about where some of the lines went - but it did the job with somewhat less frustration than I had been facing.

Check out more design walls over at Judy's


  1. Love the look of your April Palette quilt, beautiful!!

  2. I love the colors in your April quilt.

  3. Oh, your April color challenge looks like it is going to be great. when they announced it I had an idea and then completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me.

  4. Your color palette looks good to me!!! I think they match well. The pink posies quilt is adorable!

  5. Your April colors look wonderful. I am interested in seeing what you come up with.

  6. I'm curious about your color does that work?

  7. I like your April color project so far. I have to say though that the photo is pretty nasty to look at... :)! Sandi

  8. Very pretty quilt and the quilting is really a nice addition. Nice job on the color challenge, I like those blocks.
