
Monday 2 April 2012

Design Wall Monday - April 2

I've been working on a new quilt this weekend.  Designed it a few weeks ago, but I was determined to finish my March projects first.  Now, I can concentrate on this one- at least until a design for the April colour challenge jumps out at me.  The was the original design.  However, the pink was much lighter in my plan, so I'm not sure how I feel about this layout now.

So I tried this one.  Not really happy with it, and I think that's the reason the quilt had a pink center to begin with.  Four more blocks and I can still decide to change it.  Once I make that last block - it has to be either pink or green and that will end the debate :)


  1. I like both settings, but the pink in the center seems weighted better. Either way, it's beautiful.

  2. I like both too-it's nice to have options.It will be very pretty either way with the strong design you have there.

  3. I like the pink in the center

  4. Have you thought about setting the blocks on point? Creates an interesting and very different look. Could go either pink center or tan center.

  5. I'll make it unanimous, so far, and say that I like the pink in the centre as well. It's a great quilt.

  6. I like the second layout, and I would put one pink block right in the's a great quilt!

  7. Quilter Kathy took the words right out of my ... fingers. I'd put one pink block in the center, surround it with the tan background ones, then finish with more pinks. Your design has me thinking about doing something similar with some HC9P blocks like the ones on my design wall right now–thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Cute. I like the light center better but both are nice.

  9. I like the light center better as well. With the pink in the center, the blocks lose their definition, imho. But the idea of Quilter Kathy is great too---I'd like to see a pink in the center, then the greens, then pinks again!
