
Tuesday 24 April 2012

Poor Timing

I have to start thinking ahead more.  It seems that every time there's a sale on, I realize that I needed something the day after the sale ends.   Last week, my local quilt shop had a thread sale - buy one, get one free.  But I didn't need any, and the last thing I do need is a stash of thread that never gets used.  So I resisted.  And then, that weekend, I decided to start quilting a couple of tops.  And I needed thread for both of them.  $60 later, I have thread - but I could have gotten it for half that a week earlier.

And now, another shop just finished their birthday sale.  I was so proud of myself - I even dropped by, but nothing jumped out at me so I left empty handed.  And today, I pulled out all my tops to figure out which one I want to quilt next - and I realized that buying fabric for backings would have been a really good idea.  Sigh.  I will try to contain myself, and work on the quilt that I already have the backing for.  And hopefully another sale will pop up before I am ready to pull out the next quilt top.

And finally, to round out my mess at 3, I pulled out my son's quilt to finish the borders finally.  And then proceeded to redesign the borders (I've grown in my quilting since I designed this one, and it really needed something different).  Love my new design, but I'm a full yard short of fabric for it :(  And with 2 year old fabric, finding any is proving to be a major challenge.


  1. Ugh! There are sites you can search for "old" fabric on. I will get those fir you.

  2. I know exactly what you mean! I have done the same thing myself...try to save money and end up spending more money in the long run!

  3. I personally love backs that are not all one piece of fabric - all the same and 'yawn', not much fun to look at! But that is just me!! Also, I have just started to buy fabrics in bigger sizes - I used to buy alot of FQ's, now, I actually buy larger pieces -off the bolt even!! ;-)

    For the backings, just up spare parts: misc blocks, parts that didn't go in the quilt top itself, two larger pieces that go together or contrast nicely and create a nice big 4 patch!! Make the backs as much fun as the fronts, so you won't feel that 'drat! I should of...' feeling. (I have had that too, so I get it!!!)

    Now, go make a list of things to be on the look out for when the next 'shopping opportunity' arrives!! And do not feel bad, there will be a sale right around the corner!! And you will be ready!!!
