
Monday 14 May 2012

Design Wall Monday - May 14

There's lots going on, on my design wall today.  I've had a busy week, working on a couple of my planned projects, and something unplanned too.

First, on the lower right, is one of the Dancing with the Stars blocks for this month.  2 more to go, and April to catch up too.  The more blocks I make for this quilt, the more I am enjoying paper piecing.  I'm really glad I took the plunge and joined this BOM.

Lower left is my Blogger's Block of the Month.  The top left square is this month's block.  I'm really liking how this one is coming together.  I think there must be only 4 months left before the end of this BOM.  Then I will have to figure out how to put it together.

Last, but certainly not least, are 2 versions of my Starburst quilt.  I decided that I want to publish this pattern, so I set about writing the instructions (in a more readable format than I used originally).  The first attempt isn't here - I gave up on it really quickly. When I made the quilt, it was all done with calculations and no paper piecing or templates.  However, I cut everything oversized and then trimmed it down to fit.  I realized that this was not a suitable method for a pattern, so I redid all the calculations and tried them out.  A complete disaster, after the first round.  So I tossed that idea.

Instead, I went back to my drawing in EQ, and printed foundation templates for it.  I put together the blue star from those, but I couldn't figure out why none of my points wanted to match. I managed to force most of them, but I knew that this was not right.  So back to the program again.  I expanded the picture to its largest, and discovered that the points did not match in my design!  No wonder I couldn't get it to make up correctly.

So, back to the drawing board (literally) again.  I redrafted the pattern, fixed all the points, and now I have templates that should work.  Pink star is in progress, and coming together much more nicely than the blue.  I hope to finish it this week, including the border, and get the pattern up for sale by the weekend.

Drop by Patchwork Times to see what everyone else is up to today.


  1. Your blue star is absolutely awesome! You'll have no problems selling that pattern :*)

  2. Love the starburst have put so much work into it!

  3. Love the stars, can't wait for the pattern to be available. Just stunning!!

  4. Question: Why, if the points in EQ did match, couldn't you get them to match when using fabric? Is there something about EQ I need to know? Love your star no matter how you did it.

    1. No, my EQ design was wrong. When I looked more closely, the points did NOT actually match in EQ. My fabric was 'not fitting' in exactly the same way. EQ is great - especially as I learn more about how to use it.

  5. Very pretty and a great pattern. So much work in developing the pattern but the results are worth it!!

  6. Love the colors and the stars!! Beautiful! I need to get EQ, just saving up for it!!

  7. love the stars you are working on - glad you found the problem with the pattern! Silly computer - wouldn't it be nice if it would jsut 'know' that you always want points to match!

  8. I'd say YES you have lots going on. Your stars look great even if you did have to make those tips match; I'm sure you're happy to have found out why. Good luck with your pattern. Excited to see the next DWTS are off to a great start...nice fabric selection. Anxious to see how you set your Bloggers BOM project. Enjoy your projects. Sandi

  9. Beautiful projects. I really like the blue star, even if the points don't match up!
