
Wednesday 2 May 2012

May Fabrics

May's colour palette is fun and yummy.  I think Vicki is making up for the moldy pie that inspired April's palette :)  I spent some time in my stash today, trying to make the available fabric fit both the palette and the pattern that I want to make this month.

Here's what I came up with, entirely from my stash. I had to swap 2 colours in my pattern, but after that change I should have enough of everything to complete the project.

And just to prove that I matched the palette, I took a picture with it.  Unfortunately, the flash is washing out the printout. And without flash, the fabrics are too dark.  So a good picture is not going to happen.  You'll just have to trust me :)  In any case, I'm ready to start on my May colour challenge.

The pattern is a Carpenter's Star.  Judy is going to teach us to quilt feathers, starting June 1.  So if I get this project done in May, I'll be right on schedule to get started with her.

I'm linking up to Work in Progress Wednesday, over at Freshly Pieced.  I don't really have anything in progress to show (still quilting my watercolour star), but intentions are good too, right?  Hopefully next week I'll be able to show you a partially finished Carpenter's Star.


  1. Oh, Krista, you're so smart!!! Using the color palette to make the Carpenter's Star, it's a 2-in-1 deal. I love it! That's a good reminder to make a Carpenter's Star, because I want to follow along with Judy's on-line class too. Fun!

  2. hi - I wanted you to know that I've nominated you for the Liebster award - find the details on my blog
