
Monday 25 June 2012

Design Wall Monday - Jun 25

This is what was on my design wall yesterday.  I have made even more progress, and these (plus 2 additional placemats) are now quilted and in the process of being bound.

The rest of my design wall looks like it did 2 weeks ago - blocks still hanging out waiting for me to catch up on block of the month projects. 

My personal goal - finish binding these placemats before the end of the month.  Then catch up on Dancing with the Stars before the next set comes out. And then I will let myself start a new quilt or two - which will be my test quilts for my new long arm when it arrives.  I can't wait!


  1. Those are very pretty placemats--great colors and design. Hope you meet your goals before the big excitement begins.

  2. How exciting a new machine. Does this replace one or a 1st? Either way I'm excited for you. The placement mats remind me of watermellons. Sandi
