
Friday 31 August 2012

Friday Finishes for August

Lots of finishing this month, both quilting and knitting.  First, my socks are done!  First pair (well, srot of - I did make a pair from some waste yarn last year).  These were done toe up, on 2 circular needes.  Once I got the hang of keeping the yarn untangled, it was really easy to do.  And I love the fact that when I was done, I was DONE.  No second sock hanging around guilting me.

I'll make a few adjustments next time, but not too bad for a first pair, I think.  The key learning point for me was - cast off loosely means LOOSELY.  I had to go back and redo my cast off, so that I could actually get the sock on :)  I should have taken a photo before I put the socks on, so you can see the pattern.  They are made from a pattern on Ravelry, and it worked out really well.

Then there are a pile of quilts.  Some already shown on this blog, and some just finished last night.  First, my January colour challenge.  No too bad - 9 months start to finish :)  I love colours in this one, and it was my first hint that I was going to have a lot of fun with the colour challenge this year.  It's really forced me outside of my comfort zone.

 Then, a mystery quilt from last year.  This was one of the first quilts done on my long arm.  And now it's bound and ready for donation, only 1 month after I quilted it.  Not bad.

Followed by another colour challenge quilt.  "Rising Sun" won out for the name, but I still say the quilt was "easy as pie" to make :)

And then finally (or actually, firstly since they were finished earlier in the month) 2 baby quilts ready for donation, after serving as the guinea pigs on my long arming skills.  The contrast in the colours is better in person.

Joining  a few links ups today:
Judy's Friday "What's on your needles"
A stitch in time August finishing party

And, Judy's UFO challenge (if I have the dates right).  None of these quilts were my UFO for the month, or even on the list.  But I'm counting them anyway, as the first 2 have been sitting around waiting to be quilted and/or bound for several months.


  1. My goodness, you have been a busy bee! Excellent job!

  2. Your socks look great! Thanks for sharing the pattern.
    And all your quilt finished! Amazing. You've been super busy.

  3. Nice job! Great socks and quilts too. You were busy in August!

  4. great looking socks and gams. What is it about August that makes us finish things? great job!!

  5. Wow - you've had a productive month. I love that Judy is flexible with the rules -- I had to bend them this month too.

  6. Just switch your numbers around. I would say all the finishes you've had more than qualifies. Great job.

  7. Wow, congrats on all the finishes!

  8. What is the block name for Rising Sun? That is gorgeous!!

  9. Fun looking socks! You really accomplished lots lately.

  10. Hey, a UFO is a UFO ~ and I love the socks too :) Great finishes!

  11. Congrats on all your finishes!
