
Friday 10 August 2012

More knitting

I'm making good progress on my Camp Loopy project #3.  I started the bind-off for the main ribbing this week.  It is Applied I-cord cast-off, which I had never heard of before.  So I did a google search, found the instructions, and I'm working my way through it.  Very slow going, since you knit an extra 2 stitches for every one cast off.  But it makes a lovely edge, and I expect to use this again.

Here's the sweater from the back.  You can see part of the ribbing, ,where I've already cast off.  The rest is bunched up on the needle, which is why it's not hanging straight.

This picture from the front shows the ribbing better.

Tonight's plan is to wash the fabric I bought for the April colour challenge.  Judy is hosting a Quilt-a-thon, and although I've missed the first two days I plan to jump in tomorrow and see what I can get done.  After I drop by the local LQS to check out their summer sale (uh oh, that sounds dangerous).

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