
Saturday 4 August 2012

Pets on Quilts Show

Lily Pad Quilting is having a Pets on Quilts show, and I realized that I have the perfect quilt to enter here.  A few years ago, I participated in a guild challenge.  My primary fabric was what eventually became the border - a pile of kittens.

The challenge was fairly broad, and in the end left us with a series of blocks - a few applique, some flying geese, half-square triangles, and 4-patches.  And the final challenge was to put them together "somehow".  I was still a pretty new quilter back then, but I did my best with my odd sized blocks, and came up with this cat-themed quilt which I named "Cats Galore".

Of course, living in a house with 3 cats I knew this was not my quilt to keep.  Here is Rockie, checking out the quilt and staking her claim, as soon as I laid it on the floor.  I think she's casting a warning glance at the other kitties, to keep them away from her quilt.

Although you can't see her, Caramel is hiding under the quilt and Rockie is not too impressed to be sharing.

Peek-a-boo!  Here she is. Caramel thinks it's hers.

Head over to Lily Pad Quilts, and check out all the other pet-themed or pet-claimed quilts on display.


  1. Wow! That is a beautiful quilt! I love how you pulled it all together. Lovely work! The recipients are obviously enthusiastic with 'their' quilt...who will win? :-)
    They are each so adorable.

  2. Purr purr from Rusken (my cat) to your cat :) A cat needs a lot of quilts to sleep on.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful but sharing it with three cats mustn't be easy. Nevertheless, they look gorgeous.

  4. Your cats are having an adventure! Lovely quilts too!

  5. I can see why Caramel and Rockie both claim that quilt. The cat images are really cute, and are your cats.

  6. What a purrrfect quilt for such purrrfectly cute kitties

  7. I think youdid a super job with you first quilt and first challenge - sorry you had to give the quilt up - but our furries are like tha.

  8. Whew, I was a bit worried that Rockie was attacking your beautiful quilt. Happy to hear your beautiful four legged children were just playing some hiding-seek games with your quilt.

    What a fun post/entry to the pets on Quilts Show. Love, love, LOVE it.


  9. It looks as though the quilts make great hiding spots too!

  10. Great quilt- no wonder Rockie claimed it first!

  11. It is a terrific quilt- Your cats are mesmerized by the images- I know that Mars gets a funny expression when she sees herself in a mirror.. It is quite the funny thing to watch.
    Enjoy the blog hop.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  12. It looks like you need to make another cat quilt, I like the way you put it together and the two fur babies are beautiful. Thank you.

  13. You definitely have your hands full - they all need their own quilts, which of course will only make more fuss since they'll think all of them are for each of them. Hee hee, cats are great! Thanks for sharing your furchildren and quilt with us!!

  14. Aren't they cute, I love how Rockie has claimed that quilt for herself.

  15. I love your quilt, my cats don't like to share either!

  16. Wonderful post - cute kitties! Thanks for linking up at our party!

  17. I love the detail in the quilt! And your kitties are lovely as well. ;o)

  18. I love it! hiding and patting the quilt to claim...

  19. The peekaboo shot is priceless! great quilt

  20. The quilt is absolutely fabulous! What a wonderful job you did as a new looks like something a seasoned quilter made!
    And the kitties definitely agree.

  21. A lovely quilt but I really love the cats playing with it. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Outstanding quilt! Love the kitties.

  23. Love the quilt, looks like you were up for the challenge. Beautiful kitties too.

  24. Cats Galore is a beautiful quilt.

  25. I love the quilt and the kitties are adorable.

  26. Rockie looks like he is examining your stitches there. very cute!
