
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Tuesday finish needs a name

This quilt just came off the long arm. Still needs binding, but even more than that, it needs a name.  I've done much denser quilting on this than on any previous quilt.  I think "long arm fever" took over me for a while :)  With the really dense quilting, it's not exactly a cuddly quilt right now.  A trip through the washer should fix that right up, though.

I knew when I was loading it that this quilt needed a design in each block that would help accentuate the layers in the quilt design.  I ended up with a sunburst pattern, I think driven by the yellow center of the blocks.  Each sun is cropped where it intersects with the block that sits on "top" of it.

Yesterday, I had decided on a name - "Easy as Pie" - in deference to the original inspiration for this quilt:  Judy's moldy pie and the colour palette challenge back in April.  However, as I took the quilt off the frame today, this block caught my eye, and it said "House of the Rising Sun".  So, help me choose.   Which name do you like best - or suggest a new one.

Check out more work in progress over at Freshly Pieced and The Needle and Thread Network.


  1. I love the quilt and I really like "Easy as Pie".

  2. My vote is for "house of the rising sun". I may steal your quilting design, very modern.

  3. Mahjongg. That's what it reminds me of.

  4. Beautiful! Love the sunburst pattern!

  5. So beautiful! Great quilting and I like House of the Rising Sun. :)

  6. I like the House of the rising sun and wasn't that a cool colour palette!

  7. Why not blend the names: Easy as Rising Suns? House of the Rising Pie?

  8. I cannot suggest a name but to me it looks like those "pyramids" in south and central america -- you know the ones with the sun god alter at the top and the hundreds of steps up to the top? Love the design of both the blocks and the quilting!

  9. They all sound good...I am between 'Stacked Tiles' and 'House of the Rising Sun' It is gorgeous whatever you name it!!

  10. That is an amazing pattern and amazing quilting!!

  11. It does remind me too of those ancient south American temples with the blocks representing the steps rising to the sun center. A really powerful colour palette too:)

  12. I LOVE this! The colours are fantastic. Great quilting too.

  13. Stacked came to my mind for part of the name too.
    Looking at it, it's amazing!

  14. Looks 3D to me really cool! As for a name maybe All Stacked Up.

  15. From the top this totally looks 3D. Great work!

  16. I like house of the rising sun better. This is a great design!

  17. Fantastic quilting! There are a couple of good suggestions for a name in the comments, I can't add any better.
