
Monday 3 September 2012

Design Wall Monday - Sept 3

Wow, Sept 3.  Time flies.  My oldest is off at university now, and my youngest starts grade 11 tomorrow.  Things have been busy this week getting everyone ready for September, but I've managed some sewing in the midst of it all.

On my design wall this morning is a mistake :(  I was working this quilt over the week.  I had to do a redesign mid-way because it wasn't working out. Then I finally got to assembling it and as I was ironing the second section I noticed the glaring error.  So, 2 rows to unsew, so that I can turn that row around.  Note to self - be more careful with the rest of these.

Now to go get back to work.  There is lots more to do on this quilt - 225 6" squares to assemble into a quilt.  And I am already eagerly anticipating the next quilt, so I need to keep moving.  Must finish this before I start another.

Check out Judy's blog for more design walls today.


  1. Wow -- that looks great. I don't think I'd have the patience for it though -- it does look like it would be too easy to make mistakes that need to be unstitched!

  2. this looks like a fun pattern! I really admire your commitment to finish this before starting another - i'd love the finish up my WIP pile and be down to only 1 or 2 quilts in the works at a time, but I think it is going to be awhile before I get to that point :)

  3. That's a cool block and is making a very striking quilt.

  4. Looks like a lot of fun playing with the settings.

  5. Is it an optical illusion or is that a bulge in the center of the right block? It is very graphic and very cool. I like it a lot!!

  6. I see a bit of spherizing!? Now my Cake Stand Illusion looks extremely bulging...:

    Did you do the spherizing yourself? Luckily I had a colleague who owned the computer program and showed me how to do it.

  7. This looks like a crossword puzzle. My husband's aunt was a crossword fanatic and if she were still alive I would have loved to have made this quilt for her. It looks great.
