
Friday 28 September 2012

On the Needles

And off the needles.  I finished my disappointing socks this week.  The second sock is now much closer to the first in colour, and they actually look like a pair now.  So I consider this somewhat of a success. But I certainly won't be buying any more of that yarn. Here's the original "pair" in the first photo.  The completed socks are in the second photo - much more evenly matched although still not perfect.

And, I had a lot of yarn left over (almost a full sock worth), so I decided I needed a headband to keep my ears warm when I'm walking this winter.  As I knit this, I can see where the skein of yarn switched to a darker mode.  Not sure what went wrong in the dying process, but it is clearly evident.  I'm just glad my third sock finished before that point in the skein.

I have enough yarn to make this a double - layer headband, so hopefully it will keep my ears warn on those chilly mornings.  Once this is done, I plan to start something different.  And hopefully with yarn that I like more than this :)

Drop by Patchwork Times to see what everyone else has on their needles today.


  1. Your socks look great and your feet will love them.
    Great idea for leftover yarn.

  2. Krista, I had a yarn like that once. The first sock was very bright -- orange with some royal blue in it. By the time the second sock was finished, it as a very pale peach with very light blue. I still have them and I still wear them but it aggravates me every time I look at them. Hopefully you'll never have a skein of yarn like that again.

    They will keep your feet nice and warm . . and that's what really matters, right? :)

  3. Your socks turned out great! Good idea using up the yarn for a headband. I made those for the older girls last year and they all love them. So I made one for myself. :) Is there a pattern you are using or are you making it up as you go???

  4. Just wear boots so you don't see them. *tee hee* Or do what I did: I had a fugly yarn that knit up just as fugly. So I used a color remover and then Kool-aid dyed them lime green. Now I wear them all the time.

  5. Congrats on the finish! Good idea for a headband. Are you following a specific pattern for it?
