
Monday 22 October 2012

Design Wall Monday - Oct 22

Poor design wall.  Just only lonely little block this week.  But at least there's one!  As of yesterday morning, there was absolutely nothing on the wall.

I have 2 quilts I want to start, but I keep avoiding them.  I think I'm nervous about how they are going to come out.  I've been collecting batiks, kind of randomly for a while.  I pulled 2 sets for quilts, and I keep rethinking the colour combinations.  I may finally be almost there - one I'm pretty happy with.  The other I need a couple more dark fabrics, and enough of one for borders, so that is going to mean another trip to the store.

And now the question is, do I start it, and add the borders once I buy them.  Or buy the fabric first, in case I can't find the "right" border and have to adjust the other fabrics to match.  I think I know the answer - but maybe I'll get up the nerve to cut into the other quilt this week, now that I have found the pattern again.  Well, the picture.  I have no pattern.  So I guess I can delay a bit longer while I work out all the sizes.

Check out Judy's blog for more design walls today.


  1. My design/thought process is similar to yours, if that is any consolation. What I'd do is make the blocks. The just-right border fabric may be lurking in your stash. You don't know it's just-right until the blocks are all made.

  2. I don't choose border fabric/s until the top is done. What you might like before you make the blocks may be totally wrong when you have the blocks all together. As Nann said, the just-right border fabric may be lurking in your stash. Or you may find stash fabric that's the perfect color, but you don't have enough of it. That's when you go shopping! And you take that fabric with you!

  3. Oh, I do understand. I have quite a lot of batiks but only recently have been able to cut into it and make some beautiful quilts. I find that with batiks almost all of them go together just because of their variations in color. Get cutting!!

  4. Go for the blocks first. I've actually picked fabrics from what I thought would be the borders but when done with the blocks the fabric didn't work at all. Sometimes I do pick fabrics from what I think will be the borders but I am open as to whether it looks right or not. So, go for the blocks and then audition border fabrics.
