
Saturday 24 November 2012

Quilts, Plans, and Blogathons

Here's what I have done, on my final quilt from my retreat last week.  Progress has been made, but there is much more to go.  I discovered, while on the retreat, the reason I don't generally do traditional quilts with multiple versions of the same block.  I get bored easily.  Small quilts are much more interesting - they are done before I'm bored.  Large quilts tend to hit a wall.  If I plan well, I have enough alternate blocks and I can hop back and forth between them, and keep my interest up that way.

Or, failing that, I start a new project.  Which is what happened this weekend.  Actually, I wasn't that bored yet, although I could feel the wall approaching.  But I decided there is another quilt I want to make, on a deadline, and so I hopped over to that one.  All the pieces are cut out - and now I realize that it has many blocks all the same too.  Maybe if I work the 2 quilts together, they'll both get done (and hopefully won't end up with pieces of each other integrated into them) :)

And remember the nice tidy cutting table I should you a week ago?  Well, it is no longer.  I pulled fabric for this new quilt off the shelf, and of course everything else fell down.  I have 3 quilts in progress and thus bits and pieces of all 3 clutter the table again. 

And what I never admitted in the last post - the couch in my sewing room is not accessible at all.  I never did clean this up, in my last blitz although I did pull all the UFOs off it and put them in a box with their backigns.  Now, it is once again covered with clutter - mostly my "unpacking" from retreat.

Once these current quilts are done, I will set some time aside to clean (again) and see if I can actually find this couch.  If I can do that, I may actually be able to move it out of my sewing room and gain some space for quilting.

If you've dropped by from the Canadian Blogathon, welcome!  And if you have no idea what that is, check out the details on Sew-Sister's blog and hop around to see more Canadian bloggers.


  1. I can understand what you mean about getting bored, but I still do mainly large quilts. I guess; since I sell them, that's where the money

    I do love the one you are working on though. And it is hard to keep a tidy sewing room....I know I don't.

  2. You can and will get both these projects done!!! You are amazing - and don't forget that!!!!!
    Doing the two blks 'together' well, how 'bout using one as a leader/ender while you work on the other one. And when you get a few of the 'main' quilt done, then you can make the leader/ender the 'main' block and make the other the start-stop guy!!!! That way, both are being worked on, and you are going to be moving ahead in both projects without the fear of mixing them up and creating a third project!!!! ;)

    Don't worry about the couch!!! It's staying warm and safe under that stuff AND, it's doing an important job for you!!! The stuff is not on the floor is it??!! And that is good isn't it!!?? ;)

    Keep those creative juices flowing and stay safe and warm in the snow!!!
