
Monday 3 December 2012

Design Wall Monday - Dec 3

As if I didn't have enough projects underway, I have a new quilt on my design wall today.  This is another one out of Batik Gems.  I have to say I'm not that impressed with the quilts pictured in that book.  The fabric choices all blend together too much for my liking.  But with a different fabric selection and better definition between the fabrics, the patterns are lovely.

This one however, is going to take some close care when assembling.  The first picture is not how the quilt is supposed to look.  Didn't see that until I took the photo.  Rotated 2 blocks, and things are looking much better now.

I think this quilt will be fun. Much easier than all those triangles in the bear paws (which are still not completed).

Hop over to Judy's blog to see more design walls today.


  1. Love your colors. And yes - aren't you grateful to see the boo boo's in the picture before sewing it all together!
