
Saturday 5 January 2013

A Lovely Year of Finishes

Judy has me all organized with her "Getting it Done" plan for 2013.  Each month, we'll pick 4 quilt-related items to complete during the month.  This doesn't have to be finishing a project - just a step, whatever step, to move things along.  I hope this will keep me motivated and on track, especially since I have a number of block of the month projects on the go right now.  My plan is here

However, that leaves me at a bit of a loss for UFOs.  I don't have a ton of them, but I do have 7 quilts waiting for time on the long arm. And a number of new ones which will join them over the year.  So, I have decided to join the Lovely Year of Finishes challenge, hosted by Melissa of Sew BitterSweet Designs and Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts.

Each month we'll pick one project which will be *finished* that month, and link up our plans.  Then, at the end of the month we'll all get to celebrate our finishes at the linky party.

So here we go.  I'm jumping in this month with my son's quilt.  It has sat through 2 years of Judy's UFO challenges, and is still just a top.  So I put it on my "Getting it done" list for this month.  And now, I'm putting it here.  I WILL finish this quilt - including binding - before the end of this month.  Please?!?

Step one complete - the quilt is loaded on the long arm, and the quilting design is decided and started.  This is a good sign.

If you want to join the Lovely Year of Finishes, check out the details at the link below, pick a project, and join in.

My Button


  1. Love your son's quilt! Jealous of your longarm. =) Best of luck with your January finish.
