
Thursday 31 January 2013

"Get it Done" in February

It's time to fess up.  How many of your January plans did you manage to finish this month?  Depending where you are, you might still have a few hours to knock one or two off the list :)

On the first, I posted this list. And I'm happy to say that 3 out of 4 are DONE!  I like to think they would have happened anyway, but it was really nice to have some goals, for those days when I didn't know what to work on.
  1. Catch up on Dancing with the Stars BOM - Done!  blocks are now a top, ready for borders
  2. Catch up on Gardener's Alphabet stitching.  That's probably too big a challenge, so let's just say I'll finish block D, and do at least 1 more (I have A, B, E, F to do).  Nope.  I did some stitching on block D, but not done yet.
  3. Quilt Grant's quilt.  This poor thing has waited through 2 years of UFO challenges, and still isn't done.  No more excuses - I'll load it on my long arm before I put anything else on there, and get it done. Done!!  Quilted, bound, and on his bed.
  4. Make 2 quilties for guild this month.  This might interfere with #3, so I'll have to think about how to get them all quilted this month.  Or maybe if I load Grant's quilt tomorrow, I'll be obligated to finish it so that I can load up the quilties. Done.
And now the question is - what are the goals for this month?  I have a quilt ready for binding, but that's a cop out, because it will be done by the weekend.  I'm putting Gardener's Alphabet back on the list, for sure.  And Dancing with the Stars, to make sure it doesn't just sit around.
I have fabric pulled for 2 quilties - I'd like to get at least one of them done before guild this month.  I have 2 other "in progress" right now - a star quilt I just loaded on the long arm, and my bear's paw quilt.  I think I'll put the long arm work on the list - that gives me a nice mix of projects for the month.

To summarize, for future reference:
  1. Finish 2 blocks of Gardener's Alphabet.  Towards this end, I will pick up my stitching whenever I'm watching TV. Since I have no knitting projects under way, and just finished my book, I should be able to stick to that goal.
  2. Add border to "Dancing with the Stars" quilt
  3. Quilt pink star.
  4. Finish a quiltie before guild night. 
What are your goals for February?  Drop by Judy's blog to see what others are planning.


  1. Isn't it nice to be able to check off some projects from your list? The star quilt is so pretty!

  2. You did very well with your goals. I know you will do well on your February goals too. I love checking off things on lists, don't you?

  3. Great job on January. Even the one you didn't finish, you did make some progress. Good luck with February. Looks doable!
