
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Getting it Done! challenge

Judy is switching up her UFO challenge this year, and instead of listing 12 UFOs at the start of the year, we are going to list 4 things we want to get done each month.  Size, scope, and time investment are up to you, just pick 4 quilt-related things you want to get done in the month.  So, I'm going to try to play along.  Sometimes a deadline is just what I need to push me forward.  If you want to play along, check out Judy's challenge here.

So, in January, here are my 4 things:
  1. Catch up on Dancing with the Stars BOM - including the January blocks
  2. Catch up on Gardener's Alphabet stitching.  That's probably too big a challenge, so let's just say I'll finish block D, and do at least 1 more (I have A, B, E, F to do)
  3. Quilt Grant's quilt.  This poor thing has waited through 2 years of UFO challenges, and still isn't done.  No more excuses - I'll load it on my long arm before I put anything else on there, and get it done.
  4. Make 2 quilties for guild this month.  This might interfere with #3, so I'll have to think about how to get them all quilted this month.  Or maybe if I load Grant's quilt tomorrow, I'll be obligated to finish it so that I can load up the quilties.
I think this is all achievable, without stressing myself out - well, all but #2, anyway.  Four is a nice number, because I can just plan to work on one each weekend and still have hope of getting through the list.


  1. Hi, Krista: Sounds like a good list! I think I'm going to like Judy's new challenge. It will be fun to follow along from month to month and see how we do.

  2. Your list has a lot of variety. Judy did great coming up with this idea. I think we are all going to get a lot done and add a few new projects to out lists.

    Have a wonderful New Year

  3. You'll have plenty to do, but 31 days - you should make it!
