
Wednesday 27 February 2013

February Finishes

It's the end of the month, and time to check in on progress for all my grand plans this month.  First and foremost, I finished my UFO this month!  2 dows for the year, a pile more to go :)

In addition to this quilt, my goals were
  • Finish 2 blocks of Gardener's Alphabet.  
Kind of done.  I finished block D which was half-done.  Did all of Block G.  And half of block H.  That's 2 blocks, right?

  • Add border to "Dancing with the Stars" quilt
Done!  I finished the borders on this quilt last weekend, and now just need to pick the right backing for it.  I sense a shopping trip in my future. I really like the way this came out (although it is actually upside down in the photo), and I love the colours.  I have lots of fabric bits left over from this block of the month, so I'm planning to draft a few blocks of my own, and a make a (smaller) second one.

  • Finish a quiltie before guild night.
Done!  2 quilties delivered to guild last Wednesday.

So now I have to plan next month's goals.  I think this time I need to focus on the pile of quilts that is growing under my ironing board.  So, let's say this:
  • I'll quilt 2 of my tops (specific quilts to be determined).  
  • Sticking with my goal to make quilties every month, I'll make 2 quilties for guild (I have 2 tops, so I'll get them quilted and bound by mid-month).  
  • And finally, I want to finish the Hunter's Star quilt that I just started.  Maybe actually get it done before it adds to my pile of UFOs waiting for time on the long arm.
  • 2 more Gardener's Alphabet blocks - finish H, plus 2 more - no cheating next month :)
I'm linking up at the Lovely Year of Finishes Feb party.
And at Judy's Goal Setting linky for March.


  1. Great job on your February goals. I is a wonderful feeling to get a quilt 100% done. Have fun with March's goals.

  2. LOL - you didn't cheat on your Gardener's blocks - .5+1+.5 still = 2. Love, Love your dancing with stars. It is gorgeous. Congrats on all you got done.
