
Sunday 31 March 2013

March goals/April plans

In March I had planned these goals:
  1. I'll quilt 2 of my tops (specific quilts to be determined).  
  2. Sticking with my goal to make quilties every month, I'll make 2 quilties for guild (I have 2 tops, so I'll get them quilted and bound by mid-month).  
  3. And finally, I want to finish the Hunter's Star quilt that I just started.  Maybe actually get it done before it adds to my pile of UFOs waiting for time on the long arm.
  4. 2 more Gardener's Alphabet blocks - finish H, plus 2 more - no cheating next month :)
So, how did I do?
  1. Quilted and bound - Dancing with the Stars.  Quilted and half the binding done - green geese. So not quite complete, but almost.
  2. three quilties delivered to guild - goal complete (over achieved, even)
  3. Hunter star top pieced (but not quilted)
  4. Gardener's Alphabet H, I, J complete and E started - goal complete!

Not too bad.  I got almost all of my goals done, and it's feeling really good.  I'm glad Judy setup this challenge - no way I'd be as far on the Gardener's Alphabet or my monthly finishes, without this push every month.  I just hate to see a goal sit unfinished :)
For April, my goals continue to trend along the same lines.
  1. make 2 quilties for guild
  2. Quilt one more top (to be chosen)
  3. Finish binding 3 quilts (checkerboard, ugly fabric challenge, and green geese)
  4. Gardener's Alphabet - complete 3 more blocks - this month's blocks (K, L) plus E
Drop by Judy's blog to see how everyone else did with their goals this month.


  1. Great job on your goals! That quilt is very pretty!

  2. Dancing with the stars is gorgeous! Have fun with April's goals.

  3. Great job on meeting your goals for March. I love that Dancing with the Stars quilt!

  4. Just picture the look on my know you can! Two parts, you are so amazing and I totally respect what you've accomplished and one tiny part, I wish I could find that much time in my day (working 2 jobs sucks!). Very impressive and congratulations. The Dancing with the Stars quilt is amazing
