
Friday 15 March 2013

March Mid-Month Check In

It's March 15th already, so I thought I would give an update on my goals for this month.
  • I'll quilt 2 of my tops (specific quilts to be determined).  
    • This may have been a bit optimistic - but I think I can swing it.  I quilted my ugly fabric quilt, and the wall warmer.  Those weren't ones I had in mind (I was hoping to get 2 large quilts done this month), but I may take credit for them anyway.  I can change the rules, right? 

      In addition to this, I loaded up Dancing with the Stars on the long arm.  And this is why I think I'm going to have to adjust this goal - this quilt is going to take me at least 20 hours, at the rate I'm going. So unless I get really productive this weekend, it won't be done soon enough to load up another quilt on the long arm.

      Dancing with the Stars is also my March UFO for the UFO challenge - A Lovely Year of Finishes.  So I really want to complete it this month.
  • I'll make 2 quilties for guild 
    • Done, and more. Four quilties made (here and here) - quilted and bound - and ready to donate on Wednesday. 
  • finish the Hunter's Star quilt
    • Top done.  Backing purchased.  If Dancing with the Stars gets done, this will be next.
  • 2 more Gardener's Alphabet blocks
    • Block H done, I started.  There's hope :)

It looks like it could be a quilty weekend for me.  I'm on vacation today, and took a run down to a nearby town to check out some quilt shops I've never been to.  Tomorrow is Worldwide Quilting Day (and my LQS is all set with a fabulous sale).  Plus it's the day for my monthly Block Party at the LQS. There's a virtual quilt-a-thon going on this weekend.  And Sunday is Virtual Quilting Day over at the Quilting Board.  If I was being good, I'd spend all this lovely quilting time working on Dancing With the Stars.  But I anticipate many breaks in that project, so there should be some piecing activity this weekend, too.


  1. It sounds to me as if you've made a lot of progress and there's still half the month left. You're going to make it just fine!

  2. Enjoy your quilty weekend. I can't wait to see your dancing stars quilted.
