
Saturday 25 May 2013

Quilting Mojo is Back!

I've been a busy quilter this weekend.  I finished 2 quilt tops, and made good progress on the borders for my swoon quilt.  I hope to get them finished tomorrow.  Apparently I wasn't smart enough to take pictures of the finished quilts, but here they are in partial stages. The black and white curves are from the last retreat I went on, and it is now complete.  It won't have borders, so I'll add it to the pile of "to be quilted" - and hope to get some time in on my long arm over the next few weeks.

This quilt I started yesterday.  The blocks went together really quickly, despite a minor "d'oh" moment.  I was planning to strip piece some parts of this, but when I started cutting I just cut, and cut, and cut every piece.  So, no strip piecing happened after all.  I've put this together, with sashing in the light colour.  Now I have to decide if I want any borders on it - and if I do, then do I have enough fabric to do that.


  1. Love both quilts. Is the blue/green scrappy or a hand dye. Just lovely!

  2. I love this, is there a pattern?

  3. I love the blue-green quilt, that pattern is on my to-do list!
