
Monday 29 July 2013

Design Wall Monday - July 29

My design wall today looks a lot like it did 2 days ago.  Still waiting for inspiration / a decision on the borders for my labyrinth quilt.  The choices are here - I think I'm leaning towards 2 dark blue borders around the stripe.

In the meantime, I'm working away on the binding for my Hunter's Star.  And quilting my storm at sea quilt.  And yesterday, just for a change, I sorted my scraps.  I have a plan for a new quilt, made entirely from scr
aps, so I sorted all my colours. Now I can see what I have, and I confirmed that this quilt will probably be green.  I have twice as much green scraps as anything else.

Check out Judy's blog for more design wall's today.


  1. Oh it looks great!! I really like the last two of your border choices. How are you going to quilt this one? I had so much fun quilting mine.

  2. I like the darker blues you are proposing to use as the borders.

  3. Decisions, decisions. I, and many of us I believe, know what you are going through. Leave it on the wall, walk around it, stare at it, talk to it, trying to get it to speak up and tell you what it wants. And when you do decide, it will be just right.
